The Time Has Come

Well, it was short and sweet. I managed to get in a whole month off furlough before being asked last week to return to work on Monday, July 6. I was hoping for another month, but I’m optimistically taking this as a sign that things are looking up for our organization and that there won’t be more layoffs.

While off, I did manage to get a few things done, in spite of being sick and spending a week in bed.*

  • I cleaned out my closet.
  • I cleaned out one of the rooms downstairs that had become a catchall.
  • I deep cleaned my shower downstairs. It doesn’t sound like much, but it feels so good.
  • I cleaned.
  • I napped (bit just while I was sick.)
  • I read.
  • I crocheted very little.
  • I boxed up clothes off Mateo’s to give to Benson.
  • I bagged up 9(!) bags of clothes, shoes and purses to donate.
  • I helped Jason pull out and clean the rocks along our sidewalk. He put mulch in there instead.
  • I supervised and provided emotional support to him while he worked on making an arbor for our side gardens.
  • I helped him plan what we’re putting in the side garden when it’s ready.

I got some of the things on my furlough to-do list done, but found other things that needed doing along the way, so some other things didn’t get done. Plus, some of the things were lofty goals anyway.

I still have to finish going through Mateo’s clothes and old toys for either selling (he gets the money and is excited about having a yard sale), giving to Benson or donating. I still have that craft room and all the painting to get to. Those are more daunting tasks, but, at least for the outside painting, I might enlist one of my brothers.

I’m excited to see my coworkers on Monday, but wish I had more time at home to get more things done and also to figure out my health issue. I’m a little nervous going back, too. I don’t know why.

Arbor we’re building.
Re-landscaped sidewalk area.

*(I feel like every time you are sick these days, you have to clarify whether it is COVID related or not. This was not. It is most likely something related to my autoimmune disease and we are still trying to figure it out. I’m feeling quite a bit better.)

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